Information for Teens about my Counseling Services

There are many different reasons why teens come into my private practice. Generally they convey one or more of the following needs:

  • To calm down or feel better about something that happened

  • To express or sound out a feeling or concern

  • To figure something out

  • To get help in making an important decision

  • To feel support in a position taken

  • To correct something

My response is always to be a patient listener, to get clarification so that I completely understand what the person is expressing and needs from me and to carefully and thoughtfully offer a timely and useful response.

Some teens are very fearful of certain things that may or may not make sense to them. When this fear is strong it can really bother the person, sometimes to the point that they are not able to do the stuff they like to do on a day to day basis, including doing their best in school. Some are just fearful right before or during the time they are performing in the classroom, on a stage, or on a playing field and this fear interferes with their normal ability to do their best. I have learned an effective technique to help teens overcome their fears so that they are free to do what they want to do. If you would like to know more about this I can send you a link to an online description of this technique. Generally it takes about five to six (in-person) sessions to really help a person with a serious anxiety-related problem.  

Some teens are quite unhappy or confused. For example, someone died, broke up with them, or they lost something else that has been very important to them. I will help you to cope with an important loss or other life event so that you are stronger, wiser and more capable as a result of this loss. To learn more about mental health and mental illness, including different things that represent a problem with fear and happiness consider checking out the following website:

Your unhappiness may be about unwanted changes in your family and you have become very angry. Maybe you’re feeling rather helpless or hopeless about this. Although I may be meeting you by way of your mom or dad I am here for you and that is my priority. Your participation is voluntary and our conversation is confidential. We can progress at a pace and focus that is right for you. If you are opposed to the idea of meeting with me I will not require that you do so. However, I may continue on by meeting with your mom or dad. In any event, I realize that there are usually two or more people involved in a problem situation. I also believe that a young person can get back on a path of happiness and success sooner when there is a sincere effort by all involved to participate in the solution to the problem. When I meet with families I often use a technique I developed and used for decades with hundreds of students at the two high schools where I served as a school social worker. When I have a commitment from all involved I can usually get both sides to compromise and develop some mutual agreements for living together. These agreements involve a careful balance between the reasonable needs, feelings and concerns of the teen and the reasonable expectations, feelings and concerns of their parents.

If you are concerned about the privacy of the information you may choose to share with me, or any other mental health professional, the Confidentiality Act of Illinois lists terms and describes rights that you are entitled to and protected by. If you have any questions about how I may be able to help you please call me at 630-715-9750, my e-mail address is

Updated on 6/5/21